Saturday, May 23, 2009

Adaptation:The Solar Barque.

Lost at Sea.

I've found my way...

my emotional rescue:

The sunrise by the ocean, the seabirds flying over my head, and my eagerness to explore new terrain whether by foot or fins.

The sea propels curiosity and excitement. ...
She looks eternal and beautifully transparent.

The creatures hidden underneath this layer of salty liquid dance around my wrinkled skin...

Estranged lovers - find their way.

It is no longer self-indulgence, or some type of nonhuman existence ... it is complete admiration for what is real. ... what exists naturally... beside the enamored bliss of love.

Observing, Sensing, Feeling ... This reminds me I am alive.
In the city, I question ... much..
traffic, consumerism, social life, feeling contained, hardly any open spaces..
fortunately, it is possible to live in a highly conscious city .. that creates a good balance to both worlds...

Every time I visit Mexico and its Mystics, I feel the usage of a different part of the brain....

Does that make sense?
the aperture of an open-mind
feelings seem to slip inside ..

Ancient Sacred Abandoned Cities - Chichen Itza (echoes )
" A wonder of the world"
After a two and a half hour driving through jungle, we first arrived to a cooperative- a small mayan town where they sold better quality hammocks, better woven than those you find in tulum or playa.
and intricate branded leather with cosmic designs of mayan astronauts ascending into the skies with a slight bit of oxygen to their mouth from the underworlds (cenotes) ... or the one of the eternal lovers- a powerful one.

the sacred temple of kukulkan- the serpents, the jaguars, time traveling, space, mathematics, architecture, planetary alignment, the triangular shaped heads, the sacrifices, their perception on death and life, the echoes in the fields, the resonant acoustics, the observatory, the cenotes ( subterranean caverns ) , SEVEN...

today was more than astonishing - words cannot describe what I had not seen in at least ten years..

I felt highly emotional there.... some reasons unknown.

saw a sign - It read " Dragon de los teclados " on the side of a hut.
I heard some musik coming out of there- i wish i could have gone in.

The sky was rainy and grey , then bright and blue.

I imagine these people to rise up to the Sun in an elaborate solar ship- a celestial one with wings and paws... with strings tied to some clouds like bodies of serpents.. ..

The Solar Barque.

By: Belle

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